Family tree Berthelsen - Verdickt

Foto van Bert (Len) Berthelsen
De publicatie Family tree Berthelsen - Verdickt is opgesteld door (neem contact op) en bestaat uit 3.875 personen. Vanwege privacy zijn 600 personen niet zichtbaar gemaakt. Meer statistische informatie over de publicatie (zoals aantallen en spreiding van genealogische gebeurtenissen) is te vinden op de statistieken pagina. Een lijst met gebruikte bronnen is te vinden op de bronnen pagina. Deze publicatie is voor het laatst bijgewerkt op woensdag 8 februari 2017.

About Berthelsen / Verdickt 

To understand who we are, it sometimes helps to know from whence we came...Winston Churchill is quoted as saying, "The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see." Perhaps this gives good justification to those of us who pursue our family genealogy. This website is dedicated to the memories of both the BERTHELSEN & VERDICKT BLOOD LINES As you can imagine, this website is definitely a work in progress. I have hundreds of photos and stacks of information yet to upload over the months and years ahead. We each carry a legacy of our forefathers and pass along a heritage to our offspring. We remember growing up, going to school and visiting relatives, at Christmas, sometimes there were people there we didn't always know too well. "She's a distant cousin," we might be told. Or, "That's your great-great-uncle." And then they would proceed to tell some funny story about them and everyone would have a good laugh... And a small piece of our history was passed on. It can be a sobering realization that tracing back just eight generations means you could have as many as 256 ancestors! Who were all those people? Where did they come from? How did they meet their spouse (s)? How did they get to where they called "home"? And what about those fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh cousins out there... Somewhere... Who are we related to? Fortunately, we have a tool, the computer, to help us find out... and keep track! So we collect some photos, take some video, tell some stories and pass along our traditions. And perhaps, maybe 150 years from now, our gr-gr-gr-great grandchildren will have some small appreciation for their own heritage. And they will tell the old stories and add to them with stories of their own. And the family will go on... I was fortunate enough to be given a lot of information about the Charter's

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