Family Tree Marvin & Van Der Vlies

Foto van Robert Marvin (biologically DNA wise - Bonebright) and Henriette van der vlies
De publicatie Family Tree Marvin & Van Der Vlies is opgesteld door (neem contact op) en bestaat uit 6.381 personen. Vanwege privacy zijn 821 personen niet zichtbaar gemaakt. Meer statistische informatie over de publicatie (zoals aantallen en spreiding van genealogische gebeurtenissen) is te vinden op de statistieken pagina. Een lijst met gebruikte bronnen is te vinden op de bronnen pagina. Deze publicatie is voor het laatst bijgewerkt op donderdag 24 december 2020.

Hello: My wife and I have spent the last couple years working of figuring out her side of our family. We met while my wife was vacationing in the USA in 1972. We married. We live in the USA. We have three daughters, three grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. We hope by creating this tree on Genealogyonline, we might be able to get some additional information on my wife's family that we are missing. We have both done DNA tests and have discovered many cousins. However, we are searching very hard to try to help one of our matches figure how they relate to my wife's family. From our DNA research we believe he is related on her Mother's side. That is the side we are looking for the most information on. Unfortunately, he has no idea who is biological father might be. Only a hint from his deceased mother has given him an idea that the father he grew up with was not his biological father, so he is very interested in finding out more information. Of course the DNA match should help us narrow down the line we need to search. It appears that is on my wife's maternal side. Her mother's maiden name was Maria Van den Bosch. We appreciate any help you might provide.

For my side, the Bonebright side it is another story. I knew my father was adopted. He did not find out about his adoption until he was 20 years old. His adoptive family did not tell him. He found out when he got a ceritified copy of his original birth certificate. My father passed in 1970 never knowing (nor wanting to know apparently) who his father was. In 2017, I got back into ancestry with DNA. I thought it might be interesting to do the DNA test just to see what might be in my genes. Turns out I had a first cousin match on my father's side. This lead us to find my father's biological father. It's a longer story than I will tell here, but I invite you to take a look and see if you can figure it from our tree.

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