
Familiearchief The Battles Family

The Battles Family has a broad Heritage all the way back to the American Revolution and the Mayflower Landing. Pressing further on our line to our roots took us to England and Scotland and low and behold we are very much part of the Aristocracy of England and Scotland right up the Kings and Queens.

The next step is to travel to England and Scotland and see all the Family roots and explore any actual family still living near or in any of the actual sites we know from Ancestry.

My Son William the 4th and Daughter Jeanette will have full access to all of the files and History of the Battles Family Archives. It is important for our Heritage to survive through the generations long after out turn and hopefully interest future Generations the importance of keeping the light on and passing the torch to their heirs as we are doing.

Starting with the CAR to the SAR and DAR and Mayflower Society, we have a long History of belonging and being highly involved all the way to the top management of the SAR and soon the Mayflower Society.

This Heritage is also important to Historians to charter what the families did from the time the country was discovered and farmed and grew into the Nation it is today and will be in the future. That's the Legacy I leave to my Children. William E. Battles III USMC

Familie Archivaris

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