
Familiearchief Rodrigues Pasqual

Sephardic Jewish origin, lived in Amsterdam and then a branch of the family moved to London, UK around 1900 - a bit earlier. Rogers then became their family name.

Working across country boundaries, and not understanding the format of Jewish family names has led us to difficulties and we hope that this request may lead to some advice on the way forward. We have a document naming a spouse, an ancestor as Ester Abendalek; another Ester Abendalek van London another Hister Abendalek - but we cannot trace in Dutch archives searches. Dates state around 1680 - 1740. A wide range!

Some attribute birthplace as London, UK - but is this due to the "van London" addition to the name?

Familie Archivaris

De archivaris van dit familiearchief is Trevor Atkins.

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