
Zoekresultaten 'Alic' (in alle categorieën)

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Verwanten van Alic Gillis

Een publicatie door Curio met gegevens over oa. de families Marchand, Kienstra, Depoorter, De Bruyne, Debruyne, Hooreman, Despeghel, Pitrebois, Ottoy en Brandsen.

Categorie: Familienamen » G

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Alfredo Family Tree

A genealogical publication by Alfredo Roldan-Flores with information about, among others, the families Flores Algarín, Serrano Pérez, Ortiz González, Roldán Serrano, González Gómez, Morales Ojeda, Flores Morales, Peña Rojas and Alicea Gómez.

Categorie: Familienamen » A

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Stamboom Thijsen en Goergen

Een publicatie door Alice Thijsen met gegevens over oa. de families Thijsen, Goergen, Quick, Stoef, Daelemans, Palinckx, Nuijten, Goergen (G.

Categorie: Familienamen » T

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Kwartierstaat Thalicia Blokland

Een publicatie door Nel Pannekoek met gegevens over oa. de families Lange, de, Gazan, Verhage, Blokland, Roy, le, Hecke, van, Bronk, Zomer, de en Zomer, de.

Categorie: Familienamen » B

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Familiearchief Nollet

Familiearchivaris: Alice Nollet

Categorie: Organisaties » Familiearchieven

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Familiearchief stevens

Familiearchivaris: Alice Stevens

Categorie: Organisaties » Familiearchieven

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The Simon Wiesenthal Genealogy Geolocation Initiative (SWIGGI) Netherlands

The Simon Wiesenthal Genealogy Geolocation Initiative (SWIGGI) is a huge genealogy project, named after my late grandfather Simon Wiesenthal, the Nazi Hunter. SWIGGI identifies the (location of the) houses in which Jews and non-Jews lived before and during the WW2. We recently completed developing SWIGGI Netherlands ( and enable people to search for the houses, to identify the names of the people who lived in a given house, and to interact with SWIGGI NL by lighting memorial candles and developing personal memorial pages for holocaust victims. In addition, we developed SWIGGI NL Deportations ( - a map that displays the transportation of the Dutch Jewry. SWIGGI NL is a platform which can be used for genealogy research, education, commemoration, and cultural heritage.

Categorie: Internet specifiek » Zoekmachines

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Familiearchief Schipper/Lubberts

Familiearchivaris: Alice Schipper

Categorie: Organisaties » Familiearchieven

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