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Het Instituut voor Veteranen - Nationaal Instituut voor Oorlogsinvaliden, Oud-strijders en Oorlogsslachtoffers (IV-NIOOO) drukt de nationale erkentelijkheid van België uit voor alle personen die hun gezondheid, leven of tijd opofferden en opofferen voor de natie tijdens grote conflicten.

Categorie: Organisaties   Filter remove

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Antecedentia | Understanding your past!

Antecedentia | Genealogy in the Netherlands offers a full package of research for everyone who is looking for Dutch ancestors. Discover your Dutch roots, follow your ancestors' footsteps. We help you plan an exciting heritage trip in the Netherlands and Belgium. Learn from our experiences. We locate records or make transcriptions and translations of documents. We also teach you about Dutch genealogy in talks and workshops."Antecedentia | Genealogy in the Netherlands offers a full package of research for everyone who is looking for Dutch ancestors. Discover your Dutch roots, follow your ancestors' footsteps. We help you plan an exciting heritage trip in the Netherlands and Belgium. Learn from our experiences. We locate records or make transcriptions and translations of documents. We also teach you about Dutch genealogy in talks and workshops.

Categorie: Organisaties » Professionele genealogen   Filter remove

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