
Zoekresultaten 'Has' (binnen één categorie)

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Familiearchief Chevalier

All the research I have done on the Chevalier side of our family, there isn't one family tree that goes past Francis Victor Chevalier. It's like he was hatched not born because connecting parents to him has almost seemed impossible. So it seems it would h

Categorie: Organisaties » Familiearchieven   Filter remove

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Familiearchief dekker

Wie kan me helpen met het voltooien van mijn stamboom. families:dekker, volger,hasselaar en van mijn moederskant Bruin, Bruyn, Smit. Graag reacties op deze families Familiearchivaris: Gretha Dekker

Categorie: Organisaties » Familiearchieven   Filter remove

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Familiearchief The Battles Family

The Battles Family has a broad Heritage all the way back to the American Revolution and the Mayflower Landing. Pressing further on our line to our roots took us to England and Scotland and low and behold we are very much part of the Aristocracy of England

Categorie: Organisaties » Familiearchieven   Filter remove

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Familiearchief Strick van Linschoten / van Hasselt

Tracing family roots... Familiearchivaris: Carel Strick van Linschoten

Categorie: Organisaties » Familiearchieven   Filter remove

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