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Familiearchief Rubiano

A family archive is necessary to keep safe all surviving family information so it will not dissapear as the years go by. Facts tend to change if they're not properly recorded somewherw or in some form. So here it is!

Categorie: Organisaties » Familiearchieven   Filter remove

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Familiearchief Rubiano

A family archive is necessary to keep safe all surviving family information so it will not dissapear as the years go by. Facts tend to change if they're not properly recorded somewhere or in some form. So here it is!

Categorie: Organisaties » Familiearchieven   Filter remove

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Familiearchief Oudshoorn en Blaauw

Oudshoorn, De Wit, Blaauw (en meer) (Leiden, Apeldoorn, Steenwijk, Groningen, Hoogezand-Sappemeer en meer). Familiearchivaris: J. Bodlaender

Categorie: Organisaties » Familiearchieven   Filter remove

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