
Zoekresultaten 'Shi' (in alle categorieën)

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Stamboom Jacobus Wensink

Een publicatie door Jaap Wensink met gegevens over oa. de families Wensink, Wensing, Becks, Kinkelaar, Terbrack, Klingshirn, Munnik, Wenning, Budding en Blok.

Categorie: Familienamen » W   Filter

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Tietze Family Tree

A genealogical publication by Erich Oliver Tietze with information about, among others, the families Woolley, Hill, Hills, Sanford, Shirley, Jones, Boyd, Wolley and Hammer.

Categorie: Familienamen » T   Filter

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Familiearchief Beyas (Begas) Regina

Regina Beyas , geboren: 24 nov. 1879 in Kerkrade Niederlande is geheiratet in Köln mit ??? Roscheda had 2kinder ein mädel Mimi und ein bub Herman is witwe oder geshieden. 2de ehe mit Gottfried Loder hat nach deses gewonth in München un d Schönau am Königs

Categorie: Organisaties » Familiearchieven   Filter

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ShirekChamove Tree

A genealogical publication by Arnold Chamove with information about, among others, the families Scherek, Cohn, Levy, Asher, Goldstein, Katz, Schlesinger, Marcus and Schwarz.

Categorie: Familienamen » S   Filter

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Snider-Dorsey Family Tree

A genealogical publication by John C Snider with information about, among others, the families Schneider, Dorsey, Klingshirn, Wagner, Dechant, Darcy, Wamelink, Foote and Vogelgesang.

Categorie: Familienamen » S   Filter

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Giles/Müller Family Tree

A genealogical publication by Emily Strasser with information about, among others, the families Poths, Müller, Rau, Washington, Schmidt, Bornwasser, Muller, Clayton @@ and Giles.

Categorie: Familienamen » G   Filter

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Walker Family Tree

A genealogical publication by Donna Bates with information about, among others, the families Howard, Smith, Bates, Sellman, Mikula, Bell, Page, Shipley and Hall.

Categorie: Familienamen » W   Filter

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Casner Family Tree

A genealogical publication by Erin Casner with information about, among others, the families Royer, Kurtz, Catherman, Gross, Young, Coup, Shively, Van Lew and Hood.

Categorie: Familienamen » C   Filter

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Thow/Santana Tree

A genealogical publication by Rick Santana with information about, among others, the families Thow, Milne, Hewison, Ironside, Michie, Gordon, Shippen, Symon and Innes.

Categorie: Familienamen » T   Filter

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Brown/Calvert Tree

A genealogical publication by William J Zeman with information about, among others, the families Shive, Mccomb, Aten, Brown, Calvert, Graves, Stone, Williams and Montague.

Categorie: Familienamen » B   Filter

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