
Stamboom Gids » Familienamen » H

Websites 311 - 320 van 1285:

Hartgers-Dijkzeul Family Tree

A genealogical publication by Erik Hartgers with information about, among others, the families Dijkzeul, Stokman, Hartgers, Hoekstra, Van Loon, Lindeboom, Van Warmerdam, Heemskerk and Hugtenburg.

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Hartz, Steiger, Knowles, Bakken Tree

A genealogical publication by Barbara Hartz Pennell with information about, among others, the families Søre Buflåten, Hartz, Sandbumoen, Røssumlien, Bakken, Knowles, Landsiedel and Steiger.

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Hasekamp Net Genealogy

Door Rene Hasekamp

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Hastelow Family Tree

A genealogical publication by Heather Cruickshank (on behalf of Betty Pumphrey) with information about, among others, the families Hastelow, Prince, Peart, Scott, Barton, Lester, Dollery, Mourant and Fowler.

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Hatt Family Tree

A genealogical publication by Peter Bucksey with information about, among others, the families Hatt, Legemaate, Eggleton, Freeke, Paulussen, Bucksey, Starr, Bamforth and Post.

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Hauskins Family tree

A genealogical publication by Eric Aukes with information about, among others, the families Helland, Njos, Aanensen, Grinde, Mundal, Thompson, Huke, Dalaker and Dalaker.

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Havink Tree

A genealogical publication by Stephen F Motz with information about, among others, the families Havink, Te Lintelo, Kruders, Ter Baak, Quartier, Bouwman, Kruiders, Having and Tiesslink.

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Hays Galligan Jean family tree

A genealogical publication by Tisha Giese with information about, among others, the families Hayes, Goff, Holcombe, Pope, Hays, Jones, Jean, Brune and Smith.

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HBT Family Tree

A genealogical publication by Heather Bolton Travis with information about, among others, the families Boucher, Bolton, Holmes, Coates, De Bolton, Baciu, Greaves, Woolfenden and Boulton.

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