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Online Archive of the Arolsen Archives

The Arolsen Archives are an international center on Nazi persecution with the world’s most extensive collection of documents about the victims and survivors of National Socialism. The documents relate to the various groups persecuted by the Nazi regime and contain references to around 17.5 million people, making them an important source of knowledge for society today. Many of the around 30 million documents are now available in the Online Archive of the Arolsen Archives. The number of searchable names and keywords is growing all the time.

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Stamboom Vervaet

Een genealogische publicatie door Ferre Van de Velde met gegevens over onder andere de families Van de Velde, Vervaet, Van Daele, Bracke, Bauwens, De Porre, Baetens, Paulina en Debruyne.

Categorie: Familienamen » V   Filter

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Stamboom Zwiers/Beljaars

Een genealogische publicatie door Sem Beljaars met gegevens over onder andere de families Beljaars, Zwiers, Schilten, Bochem, Porrelli, Smits, Gebing, Van Dijk en Van Steenselen.

Categorie: Familienamen » Z   Filter

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Genealogie van der Laan

Een genealogische publicatie door Ton Brugts met gegevens over onder andere de families Van der Laan, Koster, Kranenburg, Zaal, Gravelaar, Van Aernhem, Laport, De Jong en Hijselendoorn.

Categorie: Familienamen » L   Filter

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Family Tree Wynands

A genealogical publication by Peter Wynands with information about, among others, the families Rogiers, Colemont, Vanhamel, Cassar, Wijnands, Laporte, Simmonds, Nelissen and Vrancken.

Categorie: Familienamen » W   Filter

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Family Tree Wynands

A genealogical publication by Peter Wynands with information about, among others, the families Rogiers, Colemont, Vanhamel, Cassar, Wijnands, Laporte, Simmonds, Nelissen and Vrancken.

Categorie: Familienamen » W   Filter

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Genealogy Rimini-Porta

A genealogical publication by Guillermo Rimini with information about, among others, the families Rimini, Fernandez, Porta, Fratini, Fabiani, Brandi, Demierre, Scattolini and Forconi.

Categorie: Familienamen » R   Filter

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The Simon Wiesenthal Genealogy Geolocation Initiative (SWIGGI) Netherlands

The Simon Wiesenthal Genealogy Geolocation Initiative (SWIGGI) is a huge genealogy project, named after my late grandfather Simon Wiesenthal, the Nazi Hunter. SWIGGI identifies the (location of the) houses in which Jews and non-Jews lived before and during the WW2. We recently completed developing SWIGGI Netherlands ( and enable people to search for the houses, to identify the names of the people who lived in a given house, and to interact with SWIGGI NL by lighting memorial candles and developing personal memorial pages for holocaust victims. In addition, we developed SWIGGI NL Deportations ( - a map that displays the transportation of the Dutch Jewry. SWIGGI NL is a platform which can be used for genealogy research, education, commemoration, and cultural heritage.

Categorie: Internet specifiek » Zoekmachines   Filter

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Familiearchief Portegies Zwart

Het familiearchief is opgezet om zo de geschiedenis van de familienaam te archiveren nu alles nog redelijk vers is. De familienaam bestaat in 2022 iets langer dan 100 jaar. Familiearchivaris: Paul portegies zwart

Categorie: Organisaties » Familiearchieven   Filter

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Unterbrink Genealogie

A genealogical publication by Dirk Unterbrink with information about, among others, the families Wurmbach, Unterbrink, Staudinger, Schmidt, Portmann, KUHLMANN, HAMKE, Knapp and Frantz.

Categorie: Familienamen » U   Filter

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