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Materman - website voor de familie Materman
Twee broers zijn bezig met een stamboom van de familie Materman te maken en die op de website te zetten.
McCallister/Thompson Family Tree
A genealogical publication by Breauna Sierra McCallister with information about, among others, the families MCCALLISTER, THOMPSON, HOLSTEIN, Acord, GRIFFITH, ADKINS, ESTEP, Goff and MIDKIFF.
A genealogical publication by Gerald Charles McCaughey with information about, among others, the families McCaughey, Kelly, Nugent, Hughes, McGurk, Quinn, Cantwell, Morris and Donnelly.
Een publicatie door Lisa McDonald met gegevens over oa. de families Graves, Bellefleur, Mcdonald, Trudel, Tetreau, Bowen, Leduc, Chagnon Larose en Chagnon Larose.
A genealogical publication by Barbara West with information about, among others, the families Hawkridge, Shaw, Mckim, Calhoun, Hutton, Pearson, Rennie, Scott and Dunn.
A genealogical publication by Reid McMahon with information about, among others, the families Trahan, Hebert, French, Irish, Simard, Royce, Lavoie, Schneider and Granger.
McMillan and Benthin family tree
A genealogical publication by Mary Eckland with information about, among others, the families Mcmillan, Benthin, Bryan, Hightower, Rounsaville, Adair, Bryant, Smith and Ensign.
A genealogical publication by Andrea Oliver with information about, among others, the families Andrews, Brown, Oliver, Snow, Mcniven, Rossiter, Blyde, Freeman and Hollett.