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Familie Angenent

De website van en voor familie Angenent.

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Familie Askamp

Een genealogische publicatie door gohe met gegevens over onder andere de families Askamp, Van Zwam, Wittebol, Van der Wal, Groenewegen, Remmers, De Leeuw, Terbaeh en Delmeer.

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Familie Augustijn - WebBlog

De WebBlog van de Familie Augustijn. Bent u nieuwsgierig of heeft u een aanvulling of vragen mail dan naar

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Familienstammbaum Siegbert Albers und Pieternella Coelet

A genealogical publication by Siegbert Albers-Coelet with information about, among others, the families Collet, Eekhout, Collet (Colet), Eekhoudt, Coelet, Colet, Van Eekhout, Plewa and Koelet.

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Family de Abreu

A genealogical publication by Stefanie de Abreu with information about, among others, the families Gaylord, Candelario, Lukasik, Slack, Virelles, Kucharski, Washack, Helminski and Nice.

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Family tree Adams, Rutherford, Rasp and Courtney

A genealogical publication by Billie Rayn with information about, among others, the families Adams, Rutherford, Stewart, Courtney, Wilson, Rasp, Miller, Spellman and ADAMS.

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Family Tree ALexander

A genealogical publication by Frank ALexander with information about, among others, the families Alexander, Fields and York.

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Family tree Allen

A genealogical publication by Carla Allen with information about, among others, the families Joyce, Parham, Snook, Nunes Martinez, Gradley, Martin, Meatyard, Stanley and Penton.

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Family tree Aranda Peterson

A genealogical publication by Iris Aranda with information about, among others, the families Dill, List, Peterson, Aranda, Moon, Wilsford, Spring, Fagan and Detwiler.

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FamilySearch: Rincke Sibrens en Folku Jacobs (Andringa)

Stamvader van de familie Nieuwenhuis

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